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Family Storti is deeply bound with the city and the area of Mantova: Rivalta sul Mincio, where the first store was opened, and Rodigo, where the actual seat is, are places where the production of cured-meats has developed in the centuries, as well as the handling of pork that followed procedures of an ancient tradition.

Mantova has always been a place for flavours and tasteful scents, a small area incredibly rich with food and wine specialties of ancient origins:

  • Pumpkin and pumpkin-stuffed tortelli
  • ‘Risotto alla pilota’ and ‘Risotto mantecato’ (or ‘risòt menà’ in the local dialect), which are two ways of cooking rice with pork, the first one dry, the second one creamy of soft.
  • ‘Agnoli’ or ‘Agnolini’, a local and smaller version of tortelli
  • ‘Luccio in salsa’ and ‘Luccio in bianco’: two ways of cooking pike, with a traditional sauce or with stewed and seasoned with olive oil and pepper
  • ‘Mostarda’: a hot speciality, made normally with fruits (apple, pears and others) pickled in mustard
  • ‘Sbrisolona’: a hard, biscuit-like, cake generally containing almonds
  • Melon
  • Grana Padano and Parmigiano Reggiano
  • Wine varieties, such as merlot, pinot, cabernet sauvignon and lambrusco

And of course, pork cured meats, that had been bred in this area since the Etruscan age. The earth and climatic conditions (especially temperature and humidity) of this area are as a matter of fact ideal for the ‘natural’ ageing of cured meats. Especially when it comes to salami, the typical sausage of Mantova, the pork meat ‘pesto’, but also to the typical ‘cotechino’ (cooked sausage). All these specialties are deeply connected with the history and the traditions of our city.


The production of cured meats is so well developed in the area of Mantova because it comes from a very ancient tradition of the breeding of pigs. It has been found out in fact that this particular breeding started already in the Etruscan Age, almost 2500 years ago.

Pig breeding and the production of cured meats developed and intensified during the centuries, always in the footsteps of methods handed down from generation to generation. Several historical findings witness the presence and the typical characteristics of the salami of Mantova, that is still produced through acts, rituals and ancient procedures, which have been further developed by the use of modern techniques.

These findings report recipes to prepare salamis, edits, inventories, menus of dinners at the court of the noble Gonzaga family. The ruling family of Mantova employed its own masin or masalin (in Italian ‘norcino’, a salami craftsman), a profession, which in those times was highly valued and defined in antique Italian ‘perfecto maestro de tal mestero’ (the most suitable maestro for such a profession). This person was an expert in pig breeding and butchery, as well as in the preparation of exceptional cured meats and typical dishes. It is said that even Isabella d’Este was very fond of salami, in particular of the specific version including ‘the tongue’.

In the area of Mantova this tradition dates back therefore to centuries ago, and even today the pig butchery in winter represents an important event of the year, which started also the activity of Salumificio Storti. In our tradition the period between November and January represented an actual celebration. The butchery of one pig produced salamis and cotechini (cooked salami), and the remainders (bones, soft fats and offals) would have been eaten right afterwards following other recipes of the countryside tradition (most of them cooked ‘in fritüra’ or fried). This actual ritual took place early in the morning every year, during freezing winter’s days, and involved the whole family.

Pig breeding is so widespread in this area that the average number of pigs is 5 thousand per each local inhabitant.

This is the territory where Salumificio Storti was born. High quality raw materials, thousand-year old traditions, unique tastes, which have been certified as such by several quality and origin statements. This is what we have been offering for over a century to our customers.

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